Anything about sewing machines and the tools we use.
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By BigRig
@Jayscanvas ,

A made in china machine with electronics. That's pretty cool to see, are you in your basement of your house? if so your getting your exercise hauling material down that's for sure!
By Jayscanvas
Yes it’s made in China but it’s a Korean company. Yes it my basement there is a outside entrance so I use a hand truck for the heavy stuff it’s not to bad.
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By Supraman
I have a Juki DNU 1541S that came with an Enduro Pro SM645 - 1P.
The motor is complete garbage, at slow speeds it's not powerful enough to start on it's own, i have to help it.Tthe speed is extremely touchy, it's impossible to get it to sew 1 stitch per second no matter what the speed is set to.
I just placed an order on Amazon for the Consew CMS1001 which comes with the position sensor. I'm really hoping it works out!
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By IvanD
I'm shopping for the motor myself. You picked motor with 550W, may not be that much different from what you have, I myself look at Eagle EA-750. It's got 1hp 750W and it's got better panel. When you want to control needle up or needle down mode - it will be much easier via one button on this Eagle motor. Again, I'm just thinking about it, at $160 it looks good and checks all the boxes.

Ultimately, I'd love to have this motor, but $300+ shipped is just too much. Everyone loves it though. A lot of low speed power/torque, good control, 24V for presser lift:
By Supraman
1100W is impressive, consew has a 750W version on Amazon as well but not with the needle position sensor and i'm looking for a replacement ASAP. I figured if it doesn't work as well as they say i can just return it.
From what i have now anything has got to be an improvement.
By Supraman
So, I installed my Consew CSM1001 w/ a 45mm pulley and WOW! what a difference. The Enduro Pro SM645 - 1P is such a piece of junk compared to the Consew.
1. The needle positioning synchronizer is a really nice to have. Took a bit to figure out but got it to work and it's pretty cool to have now.
2. the slow start feature is also cool to have, didn't have that before with the Enduro.
3. I can actually sew nice and slowly now and go faster as needed with the foot pedal.
4. no more torque issues like i had with the Enduro, i don't need to start the wheel by hand anymore to get it going on slow speeds.

I'm sure this is probably just a mediocre motor for the pro but for a beginner like me comparing it to the Enduro, Best $118 i spent. +$7 for the belt and +$8 for the pulley
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By John
Thats awesome! Glad its working out for you! Ill have to check it out next time i shopping for a servo motor. I would really like to have a needle positioner.
By MalcolmM
I purchased a Reliable servo motor with a needle positioner for my Consew RB2106, fantastic upgrade and it's programmable with needle always up or down, a heel tap on the treadle raises the needle. The consew servo motor that came with my machine was ok, but adding the needle positioner was a big upgrade. I also converted the knee lift to a second treadle, easy enough to do and now I don't disturb my right foot lifting the presser foot.
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By MalcolmM

Take off the knee pad, rotate the rod back on itself so it's at the back of the oil pan and as far up, nearly touching the oil pan. Then attach the pittman rod to the end of the kneelifter rod (you need a second treddle). You now have a foot actuated presser foot which I find much more useful than a kneelifter.
By MalcolmM
"Genius" is not something I hear at my house often! Thanks. I also upgraded the 550W sewquiet motor to a 1100 watt motor I bought from "sewpro" out of the phidelphia area, also with a needle positioner. The heavy materials I was using would stall the old motor, without tripping the clutch, and I didn't want to add a speed reducer as its very hard to find a needle positioner that will work with a speed reducer due to the way the electronics work. Now my consew rarely stalls on anything I can get under the foot.
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By BigRig
@Rug Dr. , I was looking at the Reliable brand. I just want to make this transition perfect for the machine and the work it does. It only stitches 1000 spm from factory but the clutch on this machine is a powerful beast and runs on you fast.
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