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Re: Stapler Options?

 by John Long ¦  Fri Feb 05, 2021 4:47 pm ¦  Forum: Beginner Questions ¦  Topic: Stapler Options? ¦  Replies: 25 ¦  Views: 11716

I just put a convertible top on my car. In doing so, I used stainless steel 5/32, 1/4, 3/8, and 1/2 inch staples. Whatever you buy, make sure it will handle all the sizes you need but more importantly, make sure you can buy all the size staples you need for that particular stapler. I use a modestly ...

Re: Carpet Removal and Install

 by John Long ¦  Wed Feb 03, 2021 3:19 pm ¦  Forum: Automotive ¦  Topic: Carpet Removal and Install ¦  Replies: 19 ¦  Views: 9611

It is still on Albright's web page but they were out of stock on everything when I checked a couple of months ago. I suspect they have quit stocking it.


Re: Carpet Removal and Install

 by John Long ¦  Tue Jan 26, 2021 10:46 pm ¦  Forum: Automotive ¦  Topic: Carpet Removal and Install ¦  Replies: 19 ¦  Views: 9611

German Square Weave is not cheap but I just bought some from Relocate last month. They have it in a 71” wide roll which is pretty cool. That also makes the 119 buck a yard a little easier to take. I have had it in my '36 Ford for 10-12 years. It is really good. As John said, it is stiff but it is al...

Re: Foam Saw

 by John Long ¦  Sat Jan 23, 2021 3:51 pm ¦  Forum: Sewing Machines & Tools - Reviews / Problems / Fixes / Etc... ¦  Topic: Foam Saw ¦  Replies: 8 ¦  Views: 5308

When I cut foam for a seat, I also cut it with a metal cutting band saw with a fine tooth blade. In order to cut it into manageable pieces I have used a plain 14” hack saw blade. I can quickly cut the slab of foam into blocks that will go through the throat of the band saw for final cutting. John ht...

Re: The videos

 by John Long ¦  Fri Jan 22, 2021 1:33 pm ¦  Forum: General Discussion ¦  Topic: The videos ¦  Replies: 6 ¦  Views: 3785

I have been around the auto trim industry much of my life but never made a living from it. Even though I had been doing my own upholstery for Years, I came across John's videos on door panels on YouTube. I enjoyed watching them and told my wife "I think I would like John's complete course for m...

Re: Convertible top install

 by John Long ¦  Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:48 pm ¦  Forum: Automotive ¦  Topic: Convertible top install ¦  Replies: 22 ¦  Views: 12491

@John Do you have a personal preference for Kee , EZ On, Electron or other brand?

Re: Convertible top install

 by John Long ¦  Mon Dec 28, 2020 2:11 am ¦  Forum: Automotive ¦  Topic: Convertible top install ¦  Replies: 22 ¦  Views: 12491

The average book time for a top and rear curtain will be around 10-12 hours not counting pads, replacing tack strips, etc. You will not put your first top on that quickly, of course, but that will give an idea of what the normal charge might be. There are several YouTube videos on installing tops an...

Re: Making a convertible top from scratch

 by John Long ¦  Wed Dec 23, 2020 8:01 pm ¦  Forum: Automotive ¦  Topic: Making a convertible top from scratch ¦  Replies: 5 ¦  Views: 3833

Just to be clear, The top on my car is a Kee brand top. I did not make it, nor, have I ever made one from scratch.. I hope my post was not misleading. I do believe I could make a top that would, in some ways, fit better, but I would probably not go to the trouble and aggravation to make the rear cur...

Re: Making a convertible top from scratch

 by John Long ¦  Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:21 pm ¦  Forum: Automotive ¦  Topic: Making a convertible top from scratch ¦  Replies: 5 ¦  Views: 3833

If you will do a search on YouTube. there is a video on making a scratch made top by Steve Holcomb for a ‘59 Impala. Steve used a factory rear curtain and scratch made the top. He does a beautiful job of it and explains the process very well. I think you will find it worth looking at. I am just fini...

Re: Ultraleather question and intro

 by John Long ¦  Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:18 am ¦  Forum: Beginner Questions ¦  Topic: Ultraleather question and intro ¦  Replies: 16 ¦  Views: 8443

Do you remember the name of the mfr. @BigRig

John Long

Re: Newbie Intro and Staple gun question

 by John Long ¦  Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:16 am ¦  Forum: Beginner Questions ¦  Topic: Newbie Intro and Staple gun question ¦  Replies: 14 ¦  Views: 10210

You can shoot a 5/32 through the panel at an angle without going through.

John Long

Re: Newbie Intro and Staple gun question

 by John Long ¦  Wed Dec 09, 2020 7:12 pm ¦  Forum: Beginner Questions ¦  Topic: Newbie Intro and Staple gun question ¦  Replies: 14 ¦  Views: 10210

If I am not mistaken, the BEA is what John Pollock uses to shoot staples into ABS in all of his instruction videos. I will have to check my stapler to see which model it is. I have bought a sheet of ABS and fully expect the BEA to work just fine. I have used it on PVC solid panel many times. John Long

Re: Newbie Intro and Staple gun question

 by John Long ¦  Wed Dec 09, 2020 5:18 pm ¦  Forum: Beginner Questions ¦  Topic: Newbie Intro and Staple gun question ¦  Replies: 14 ¦  Views: 10210

My advice, @Mark M , would be to be sure and buy a stapler that will accept “series 71" staples. They will be 3/8 crown by whatever leg length you buy. The reason for this recommendation is you can buy the series 71 staples in stainless steel which are really needed in automotive work and absol...

Re: Ultraleather question and intro

 by John Long ¦  Wed Dec 09, 2020 4:18 pm ¦  Forum: Beginner Questions ¦  Topic: Ultraleather question and intro ¦  Replies: 16 ¦  Views: 8443

Weellll....@BigRig, we are all waiting! :-))))))

Re: Ultraleather question and intro

 by John Long ¦  Wed Dec 09, 2020 2:29 am ¦  Forum: Beginner Questions ¦  Topic: Ultraleather question and intro ¦  Replies: 16 ¦  Views: 8443

@BigRig It really is a shame. I loved working with it.

John Long

Re: Ultraleather question and intro

 by John Long ¦  Wed Dec 09, 2020 1:35 am ¦  Forum: Beginner Questions ¦  Topic: Ultraleather question and intro ¦  Replies: 16 ¦  Views: 8443

If it is ok for me to add my 2 cents. I used Ultraleather in my personal '36 Ford roadster. I loved the way it felt and I loved the way it sewed. With that said, it has worn terribly. I would not pay $15 a yard for any more of it. I can't afford, nor do I have the time to do a job that no longer loo...

Re: Help needed sewing marine vinyl

 by John Long ¦  Wed Nov 18, 2020 3:19 pm ¦  Forum: Marine ¦  Topic: Help needed sewing marine vinyl ¦  Replies: 6 ¦  Views: 9975

Unfortunately I have to agree with @souperdoo . Commercial Grade only means it is designed for continuous duty. Shirt factories run commercial machines but they are designed to sew light cotton not heavy duty vinyls. I started out with a light duty walking foot machine and quickly realised I would h...

Re: Thread tension seems off...

 by John Long ¦  Sat Nov 14, 2020 2:10 pm ¦  Forum: Sewing Machines & Tools - Reviews / Problems / Fixes / Etc... ¦  Topic: Thread tension seems off... ¦  Replies: 12 ¦  Views: 6284

Take it out of the bottom guide where the needle attaches and see if it is not binding or abrading there. That looks like a good place to have a sharp edge. I have an Adler machine so I have not seen thread pass quite that way before but it looks "iffy" to me there.


Re: Foam questions

 by John Long ¦  Wed Nov 11, 2020 5:10 pm ¦  Forum: Beginner Questions ¦  Topic: Foam questions ¦  Replies: 12 ¦  Views: 7689

@John Even though I have been around the auto trim business through much of my life, I am not licensed and my local jobber will not sell directly to me. I always bought through my good friend until he retired about a year ago. It is frustrating to not have an available jobber handy but, it is what ...

Re: Foam questions

 by John Long ¦  Mon Nov 09, 2020 1:10 pm ¦  Forum: Beginner Questions ¦  Topic: Foam questions ¦  Replies: 12 ¦  Views: 7689

That is why John ends up with 71 lb foam for the cushion instead of 50 lb. The 33 density he mentions is even better than the 2.7 but is requiring a higher firmness rsting to accomplish what he needs. For any folks here who are not familiar with the designations for foam, the first two digits are th...

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I have a website that I strugg[…]

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That would be a lot of money for an old Singer wit[…]

Spray Adhesive ???

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