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Re: Cardstock alternative?

 by John Long ¦  Sun Aug 25, 2019 7:57 pm ¦  Forum: Automotive ¦  Topic: Cardstock alternative? ¦  Replies: 12 ¦  Views: 6966

There is a company in Tennessee that carries 4x8 sheets called Advanced Plastics. I am not sure if they are nation wide but you might check. They are very reasonably priced.


Re: Cardstock alternative?

 by John Long ¦  Sun Aug 25, 2019 12:59 am ¦  Forum: Automotive ¦  Topic: Cardstock alternative? ¦  Replies: 12 ¦  Views: 6966

I do hope you let us follow along. We will all learn somethibg for sure? :thumbsup:


Re: Cardstock alternative?

 by John Long ¦  Sat Aug 24, 2019 2:27 pm ¦  Forum: Automotive ¦  Topic: Cardstock alternative? ¦  Replies: 12 ¦  Views: 6966

My Adler will sew it but it is not easy. I have never used anything but 3 mil stock. I wonder if thinner is available and then maybe you could laminate them after sewing. (?)

It will be interesting to see what you come up with. I hope you keep us posted.


Re: Cardstock alternative

 by John Long ¦  Sat Aug 24, 2019 8:25 am ¦  Forum: Automotive ¦  Topic: Cardstock alternative? ¦  Replies: 12 ¦  Views: 6966

BigRig, Would PVC board work. I buy it in 4x8 sheets 1/8” thick for about $25. It can be formed with a heat gun but I don't think you will be able to make hard corners with it.

Obviously aluminum could be bent.


Re: New member

 by John Long ¦  Wed Aug 21, 2019 9:29 pm ¦  Forum: General Discussion ¦  Topic: New member ¦  Replies: 28 ¦  Views: 15817

I am frugal to a fault. I have resisted buying Baker's Clip pliers so far. I may see a pair coming my way in the future though. Since it was made on a wood base, it was a simple thing to drill holes in the base, pull the listing down with waxed cord, and staple. That also allowed me to pull the the ...

Re: New member

 by John Long ¦  Wed Aug 21, 2019 7:13 pm ¦  Forum: General Discussion ¦  Topic: New member ¦  Replies: 28 ¦  Views: 15817

I stumbled on the Lucky Needle site looking for information on repairing broken springs. Inwas surfing YouTube and stumbled on John's videos and that lead me to his web site and then to the forum. LOL, Pretty cool but I am still looking for what information is out there on the springs. There are 4 b...

Re: New member

 by John Long ¦  Wed Aug 21, 2019 7:01 pm ¦  Forum: General Discussion ¦  Topic: New member ¦  Replies: 28 ¦  Views: 15817

Thanks for the warm welcome guys.

As with most ragtops, this old girl was pretty rough. It has been a 6 year project but it is now yard driving and needing something to sit on pretty soon.


Re: Brother ls2-b837

 by John Long ¦  Wed Aug 21, 2019 6:45 pm ¦  Forum: Sewing Machines & Tools - Reviews / Problems / Fixes / Etc... ¦  Topic: Brother ls2-b837 ¦  Replies: 20 ¦  Views: 13652

I don't know that my meager budget would allow for a new Adler but I have had a used Adler 267 for a number of years. It with a Reliable 5000 servo motor has been an excellent machine and served me well. The only disappointment I have had is the cost and availability of parts and service in my area....

Re: New member

 by John Long ¦  Wed Aug 21, 2019 1:42 am ¦  Forum: General Discussion ¦  Topic: New member ¦  Replies: 28 ¦  Views: 15817

Thanks for the welcome Tom. I am looking forward to them for sure.


New member

 by John Long ¦  Tue Aug 20, 2019 11:41 pm ¦  Forum: General Discussion ¦  Topic: New member ¦  Replies: 28 ¦  Views: 15817

It is exciting to me to have found the forum. I have been doing my own trimming as a hobby for years and had a dear friend who owned a trim shop also. I spent many hours hanging around Bob's shop while we waited to go to lunch together. My last project was a '36 Ford roadster and am currently workin...

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