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By 53 Vick
After a little research, I think I figured out what the handle/straps on the back of the front seat are. They are called robe ropes or cords. They were to hang lap robes (blankets). Seems they were a carry over from carriages to keep back seat passengers warm. I wasn't aware of this, but heaters didn't become standard in cars until the 1960's. Early car heaters probably weren't that efficient in heating the whole cabin during cold winters so extra layers helped.

This still doesn't help me figure out how I'm going to duplicate them. The material on the originals had disintegrated long ago so I didn't get to see how those were done. I have a couple of ideas and will just have to do it and see how it turns out. I know I'm wasting time stressing about this. Once I get something to wrap the chain in, I'll get it done and post some pics.
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By 53 Vick
I've made some progress on the robe cords and the sun visors. I wasn't exactly sure how I was going to do the robe cords and had to experiment a little to figure it out. I ended up making a tube with the white vinyl and sliding it over the clear vinyl tube covering the chain. I didn't think I would be able to turn it right side out but it worked.

Next were the sun visors. I watched some videos for pointers and charged forward. The only trouble I had was the thickness was a little tight in the sewing machine which made it more difficult going around corners. I inadvertently dragged the needle across the material and it left a mark. Just a small mark along the edge and not very noticeable. Lesson learned.

They aren't perfect, but I'm happy with how they turned out. It's been awhile since I sat behind the sewing machine and took me a little while to get reacquainted. Now, onto the headliner.

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By 53 Vick
Progress has been made. This headliner has been a challenging project for me and has had me second guessing myself every step of the way. I looked at all the information I could find on how to make and install one but I was still not confident in what I was doing. I felt like I was winging it the whole way. I had ordered additional material when I had to redo the front seat backs and thought that I had plenty to do the headliner yet. Well, I did but just barely. No room for error and that also had me nervous about the whole thing. I took my time and still made a few mistakes along the way. After I had sewn a few of the panels together, I realized that I has sewn the listing in incorrectly and had to redo that. The whole thing just had me frazzled. When I first installed it, I thought it looked horrible, but after I pulled and stretched for a few minutes it looked a lot better. I still need to finish pulling, stretching, steaming and stapling and will send pics when finished.
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By John
Look like it will work out great to me. They always look awful before getting steamed, stretched and stapled. On the corners where it wraps around the curved section of the bows dont be afraid to trim the listing to allow it to stretch out nicely. I usually always sew extra listing and trim it back as needed.

Nice work so far! :thumbsup:
53 Vick liked this
By Nick Magee
I have a 1953 Vicky and I’m trying to redo the seats. The original foam fell apart so I can’t use it to make as a template. Where can I find new foam for the font and back seats??
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By 53 Vick

I purchased sheets of foam from a supplier online and had to cut/shape to fit myself. I can't remember who I purchased it from right now, but there are several suppliers that will have what you need.
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I am really glad I stumbled on this forum!! Your posts and pictures of your work have inspired me. I hope you are still active on this forum, as I have several questions regarding your headliner installation.

I have a '53 Vick also, and have bought a headliner from Stock Interiors. I am apprehensive about starting to install it.
How did you fasten the edges of the headliner. There are tabs along the sides, but how does the front and rear of the headliner get fastened to the roof??

Great work on your interior. Beautiful car!!

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By 53 Vick

I'm glad that you found this forum and the post offered some inspiration for you. It definitely helped me out a lot being a first timer. I was reviewing my posts and realized that I never posted a picture after I finished. Those with a sharp eye will notice that I still don't have the kick panels done. I'll get to them eventually.

I made my own headliner and it was probably the most time consuming and challenging piece of the whole interior for me. It isn't perfect by any means and there are some wrinkles in the corners, but overall I'm pretty happy with it being my first one. I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask questions about how to install a headliner because I'm sure there are other and maybe better ways than what I did.

The front and the sides had tack strips that I stapled the material to. I think I started along the sides and in the middle and you just gently pull, stretch and staple. I worked from side to side from the middle up to the front and rear. The front corners gave me some difficulty and that's where some of the wrinkles are. Knowing what I do now, I might have cut a relief and sewn it together for an angled seam into the corner. Not sure if that would be the right way to do it or not but just what I was thinking of now. I'm sure pros have other tips and tricks to do it the right way.

The rear was challenging as well. I spent a lot of time looking at the old headliner as a template and installing the bows and making new templates and I still didn't get the pieces just right. There are a few wrinkles in the back corners as well. As far as fastening the rear portion, I believe that the shop manual tells you to have the rear glass removed. I already had the glass installed because I didn't realize that this was the process and I wasn't going to remove and install again. I attached the headliner to the 100 or so little "hooks" stamped along the edge of the window and eventually covered by the trim. And I'm pretty sure I used glue while stapling and hooking everything in place.

Again, I'm no pro and just did what made sense to me at the time. I'm sure there are better ways to do everything I did but that's how we learn, through trial and error.
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