- Thu May 06, 2021 7:54 pm
Hey everyone, my wife(Sarah) and I, just bought a 1972 Chevy Nova that needs full resto. This is a project for us, our daughter, my Dad and my Dads buddy. I am a toolmaker by trade and have refurbished a 1976 Starcraft Boat. I make hunting knives. I design and make hunting trail camera mounts, grunt calls and various other 3D printed parts .I also build cabinets and furniture. We both have sewed a bit. Cars are something I don't have much experience with. Thankfully my Dad raced for 10 years and grew up in the muscle car era. His buddy was a wrench and body man for various Chevrolet dealerships so I am in good hands. We have a custom interior planned out for the Nova, but the sewing machine we have will not cut the mustard for upholstery. We looked a various industrial walking foot machines and some sold quick or the cost combined with travel to get made us just buy a NC1 thru the Lucky Needle. I just signed up for the All in One Course and we look forward to getting started. Sarah has had three failed shoulder surgeries and her job is very hard on her. Our hope is that with Johns course in some time, we might be able to start a small upholstery business that can be her main income. For now, we will sponge up the knowledge that John has shared and what you folks share on this forum. I look forward to learning and contributing to this forum.
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